7 Creativity Lessons I learnt from Jordan Peterson:
Creatives are different from non-creatives:
I love Jordan Peterson when I start learning from him. No doubt, I’ve issues with some political views of Jordan Peterson. His advice about creativity saves me from drastic decisions.
At first, I start my writing business. I write less and expect more. Soon, I lost hope. I have no desire left to write more. Soon, I realize that my creative process requires a proper system to build cash flow consistently.
I find myself very different from my university students. My classmates want jobs. I wish to save myself from a job and earn reasonability through my writing business.
There is no job for creative people. Monetizing the creative process sets us free from the creative curse.
My parents don’t much support me to pursue my creative future. I fail to understand my parents and social depreciation about being creative. Jordan Peterson’s advice gives me a realistic approach to taking creativity as a business.
1. Creative people are risky:
Jordan Peterson explains that creative people love to take huge risks. It means the high risk makes them less orderly for a particular routine.
I take risks to associate through my creativity. It improves my range to explore more of a specific topic. I value my creative exploration and allow myself Specific time about it.
2. Unique system:
You can’t fit into the already existing systems as a creative. You require your system. You identify the system that suits you.
I develop my writing system.
I take ideas about the writing process from several books. It evolves the creative people consistent.
It branches out its niche further down. The requirement process of creativity changes. My mindset writing for stories is different from writing the informational content.
3. Connection to the unknown:
Every creative person has a connection to the unknown. It is the territory that nobody knows about exists. It’s about expanding your boundaries of perspective to add something new.
The creative or artistic people live on the boundaries of known and unknown. They combine known and unknown to expand the boundaries of society.
4. Educational system crushes creativity:
The educational system develops to train the factory workers. The educational system drives through our grades. Jordan Peterson’s experiments conclude that creativity has a ZERO connection with our educational system.
No educational system supports the individual creative process. I experience that at my university. I proceed with experiments to build a research paper about plastic waste. No teacher wants to spend extra time teaching. Every teacher follows specific patterns to fill up the requirement of the grading system.
5. Build and run things:
Creative people connect the idea with capitalism. Creative people move society upward.
I connect my writing business ideas to proceed into the online publishing market. I become a blogger and write website content through valuable content.
Jordan Peterson believes that noncreative people replace by machines. I understand that my writing process is at least beyond the process of the general algorithms and connects to uncertainty.
6. Conservatives can be creatives:
Jordan Peterson explains that conservatives have high consciousness with less openness. They can be creative with measured risk.
I don’t feel open to every uncertainty. Sometimes, I block several ideas and opinions due to my conservative nature. I choose a creative path. It assists me to be open for a time and get back to my Conservative Path to create things through discipline.
7. Creativity is lifeblood:
Creativity is a joyful thing for creative. Problem-solving connects with creativity and is essential for creativity. Creativity becomes holeless without creativity. Creatives become hopeless and feel bad without creativity.